Virtual Machines





Disk Options


Linux VM Access

OS Login

SSH Keys from metadata

Temporary VM Access

Windows VM Access



  • See here for a full comparison of machine types:
  • Intel Xeon and AMD EPYC platforms supported
  • Predefined and custom machine types
  • Supports Windows and Linux VMs
  • Resources (CPU, RAM, DISK) can be customized for both types
  • General purpose: E2, N2, N2D, N1
  • Memory-Optimized: M2, M1
  • Compute-Optimized: C2
  • Accelerator-Optimized: A2
  • 1 CPU Core on GCP = 1 Thread (not physical core)
  • 2Gbps network bandwidth per core with a minimum of 10Gbps
  • Maximum bandwidth = 32Gbps for VMs with >= 16 CPU
  • 100Gbps available for machines with T4 or V100 GPUs attached
  • Full list of CPU platforms available here:


  • Full details on available storage options available here:
  • Disk types:
    • Standard: Mechanical disks
    • SSD: Array attached disks
    • Local SSD: Locally attached disks. Data is not persistent
    • Up to 3TB local SSD storage can be configured with 8 x 375GB disks


  • VMs can have 1 internal and 1 external interface (VM is no aware of external interface)
  • Firewall rules are applied to VMs based on Tag or network
  • 2 types of load balancing are provided:
    • Regional HTTPS
    • Network LB


  • An image is applied to a VM and contains the following items:
    • Boot loader
    • Operating System
    • File system
    • Software
    • Customizations
  • GCP supports both public and custom images, Linux and Windows
  • Premium images are charged per second (rather than minute)
  • Custom images can be created and imported

Disk Options

The following disk options are availabe

BootablePersistent disks only
Data ReundancyPersistent disks only
SnapshotsPersistent disks only
Encryption at restPersistent disks and local SSD

Persistent Disks

  • All VMs comes with a persistent boot disk
  • Disable the VM property: "Delete boot disk when instance is deleted" to prevent a boot disk from being removed when a VM terminates
  • Network based block storage
  • Supports snapshots
  • Can be dynamically resized, even on running VMs
  • Can be mounted to multiple VMs in read-only mode
  • Can be Zonal or Regional
  • Regional disks support active-active replication
  • Data is encrypted at rest
    • Choice of key management: google managed or customer managed
  • Up to 128 persistent disks can be attached to a VM or 16 disks for for shared core VMs (f1-micro and g1-small)

Local SSD

  • Directly attached storage providing very high IOPs
  • Up to 8 x 375GB disks can be attached to a VM
  • Disks are ephemeral – data is lost when VM is stopped or terminated but is persistent across resets (soft reboot)

RAM Disk

  • Faster than local disk but not as fast a memory
  • Volatile – data is erased if VM is stopped or restarted
  • Can be used to provide fast access at near-memory speeds using tmpfs

VM Metadata

  • VM configuration data is stored on a metadata server
  • Useful for retrieving instance data during startup and shutdown
  • Default metadata keys are present for every instance, making code reusable
  • Metadata is stored inkey:value pairs
  • Custom metadata can also be defined

Linux VM Access

OS Login (SSH)

  • Allows Compute Engine IAM roles to be used for login and thus avoid SSH key configuration
  • OS-Login Can be configured at instance, project or organization level by adding the key “enable-oslogin = TRUE” in metadata
    • Instance Level: Configure custom metadata during or after creation by editing the instance in the GCP console
    • Project Level: Configure project-level metadata in GCP console
    • Organization Level: Configure metadata in the IAM Admin console
  • Access from GCP console or gcloud cli, SSH keys are automatically created by Compute Engine
  • Access from a 3rd party client such as putty requires an SSH key to be generated:
    • Ensure username is added to the end of the key and it’s of the format “key-rsa <key> <username>” on a single line with no line breaks – see Managing SSH Keys
    • If using a gmail account, replace all dots and @ signs with an “_” e.g. becomes jon_doe_gmail_com
    • Public keys must be added to user account with gcloud CLI, or API methods
    • If connecting with Putty, ensure the private key is loaded into the profile
  • Links a Linux user account to a Google identity
  • Access can be controlled at an instance or project level
  • Fine grained permissions can be assigned at the Google identity level e.g. sudo command privilege’s
  • VM permissions are automatically updated with changes in line with IAM
  • Linux account IDs can be synchronized with on-premises AD and LDAP
  • Access is granted through SSH keys associated with the Linux user account
  • 2 factor authentication is also supported
  • Instances must have the guest environment installed
    • One can think of guest environment to be loosely similar to vmtools deployed on ESXi VMs
    • Automatically deployed when you create a standard instance
    • Must be manually deployed if using a custom image

SSH Keys from metadata

  • Manually manipulating metadata form instance is an advanced concept and is not without risk if misunderstood and incorrectly implemented
  • Access is controlled by creating SSH keys and editing public SSH key metadata in GCP
  • The following instance or project level permissions are required to manage metadata:
    • Instance Level: compute.instances.setMetadata
    • Project Level: compute.projects.setCommonInstanceMetadata
    • Project Level: iam.serviceAccounts.actAs
  • SSH Keys are applied to instance or project level metadata to permit access to instances when a client presents an authorized public key. In order to do that, a client must have the corresponding private key stored on the client device
  • A key point to note is that access with this method is not restricted by GCP IAM roles – i.e. a client does not have to be a project member to access an instance – just the key pair stored in metadata
  • Format the public key thus: ssh-rsa [KEY_VALUE] [USERNAME] in a single line without line breaks
  • Add the public key at the appropriate level:
    • Project-wide metadata to permit access to all Linux instances in a project
    • Instance-level metadata to permit access to a specific Linux instance. Edit the instance and add the public key to metadata.
Instance Level SSH Keys
  • Notice the “Block project-wide SSH keys” checkbox. This option blocks any project-level keys added to project metadata i.e. only specific keys are permitted access to this instance

Temporary Access

  • Temporary access is simply a case of applying an IAM Policy to a resource to give access to it
  • IAM policies simply binds role(s) to member(s) such as user or service account
  • Follow the principle of least privilege i.e. grant access at the lowest level for a given resource rather than project level or higher
  • Supported resources:
  • Resources not listed above must be managed at a project, folder or organizational level

Windows VM Access

  • Can be accessed through RDP or PowerShell
  • Default firewall rules permit RDP on TCP 3389
  • Direct RDP access over a public IP or VPN
  • Use Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) if instance does not have a public IP
  • If IAP cannot be used, then Chrome Remote Desktop is also an option
  • The following diagram illustrates the various options
Windows VM Connection Options

VM Lifecycle

A VM has numerous states it can pass through in its lifecycle as shown below

Instance Lifecycle
  1. Provisioning: Reserving resources for instance such as CPU, RAM etc.
  2. Staging: Configuring network, apply system image and boot up
  3. Running: Apply startup scripts and enable SSH/RDP access. If is system is reset from, it remains in a Running state even though the guest OS is rebooting
    • Terminated:
      • Enters this state when shutdown
      • No charges whilst in this state
      • Can either be restarted or deleted from this state
    • Suspended: Place system in a paused state
  4. If a preemptible instance is restarted, rebooted a timeout of 30s applies to allow for graceful shutdown. Otherwise, a 90s timeout applies
  5. An instances Availability Policy determines how a VM behaved during a maintenance event e.g. Host reboot. The default behavior is to live-migrate (a la “vmotion”) instance to another host but it can also be configured to be stopped instead
Instance Availability Policy
  • On host maintenance = Migrate or Terminate VM Instance
  • Automatic restart = On/Off and determines whether an VM is restarted should it stop